
京津冀地区经济增长与资源环境的脱钩关系 被引量:22

Decoupling Relationship between Economic Growth and Resource Environment in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region
摘要 通过分析区域内经济、产业的发展,资源、环境要素的分布,基于改进的Tapio弹性脱钩理论及评价体系,结合生态足迹、碳排放、综合脱钩指数模型,对2000—2013年间京津冀地区经济增长与环境资源的脱钩程度、时空演变进行定量综合分析。研究表明:(1)脱钩状态从2000年经济增长造成资源消耗、环境恶化的"增长连结",逐渐过渡到2008年两者协调的"强脱钩",虽然从2009年后脱钩指数有所减弱,但资源环境所受压力始终存在。(2)经济增速与产业分布不均,造成脱钩指数存在地域差异,北京的脱钩状态最优,天津的资源环境压力处于区域平均水平,而河北由于第二产业占比较大造成环境污染加剧,使其成为区域生态建设的薄弱环节。未来京津冀一体化战略需实现经济与资源、环境的协调及可持续发展,开展与经济相适应的生态环境建设,形成京津冀目标同向、措施一体、优势互补、互利共赢的协同发展新格局。 By analyzing the development of the regional economy and industry,the distribution of resources and environmental factors,based on the improved Tapio elasticity decoupling theory and evaluation system,and combined with the ecological footprint,carbon emissions,this paper carried out quantitative analysis of the degree of decoupling between economic growth and environmental resources in BTH region from 2000 to 2013.Studies show that:1.Decoupling from the economic growth caused by resource consumption,environmental deterioration of the "growth link" in 2000,gradually transition to the coordination of the "strong decoupling" in 2008.Although the impact of economic development on resources and environment has weakened since 2009,the pressure always exists.(2)There are uneven economic growth and industrial distribution in BTH region,due to the decoupling index of regional differences.Beijing's decoupling is best,Tianjin's resources and environmental pressure is at the regional average level,because of the large proportion of the second industry,resulting in increased environmental pollution,while Hebei province has become a weak link in the regional ecological construction.In the future,the integration strategy of BTH region needs to achieve balanced and sustainable development of economy,resources and environment,to carry out the construction of ecological environment to adapt to the economy and form a new pattern of coordinated development with the same direction,measures,complementary advantages,mutual benefit and win-win situation.
作者 何音 蔡满堂
出处 《北京理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2016年第5期33-41,共9页 Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology:Social Sciences Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金应急管理项目资助"京津冀一体化协同发展的政策研究"(71441007)
关键词 京津冀一体化 脱钩分析 资源环境压力 生态足迹 碳排放 Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region integration decoupling analysis resources and environmental pressures ecological footprint carbon emission
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