
实验快堆转换区组件焊接工艺 被引量:1

Technology research on welding CEFR blanket region FA
摘要 快堆是世界上第四代核能系统的主力堆型,它能充分利用铀资源来开发核能。快堆组件是反应堆中不可缺少的重要部件,其焊接质量直接影响组件的使用寿命和反应堆的安全运行。介绍快堆转换区组件的结构特点,重点分析组件研制过程中燃料棒的绕丝点焊、栅板框架与外套管的压力电阻点焊、过渡头与外套管组装与焊接等工艺难点,并提出解决方法。通过组件焊接检验结果表明,CJNF在实验快堆组件制造中所采用的焊接工艺可行,焊接质量满足技术条件的要求。该项目的成功实施使我国首次掌握了实验快堆组件的焊接制造工艺,并初步形成快堆组件生产能力。 Fast reactor is a principal type of generation 4 nuclear power system in the world, which uses uranium resource to exploit nuclear power. Fuel assembly is an indispensable component to the fast reactor, in which the Welded quality has a direct influence on the service life of fuel assembly and the safe operation of reactor.This article presents the structural features of the blanket region FA, highlights discussing the difficulties during the development such as wire spot welding of fuel rod, pressure resistance welding of grid frame to bushing,as well as assembling and welding of transition head and bushing,and proposes the solutions which have been demonstrated by tests.The inspection results of FAs show that the process adopted by CJNF in welding the CEFR FAs is feasible and welding quality meets the requirements of technical specification. The successful implementation of such project indicates it is first time for China to master the technology for manufactttring CEFR FAs, and generate a preliminary production capacity.
出处 《电焊机》 2016年第11期123-126,共4页 Electric Welding Machine
关键词 实验快堆 转换区组件 焊接工艺 CEFR blanket region FA welding technology
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