
Experimental study on concrete columns hybrid reinforced by steel and FRP bars under seismic loading 被引量:1

摘要 In order to study the dynamic behavior of hybrid reinforced concrete columns, shaking table tests of three concrete columns with equal initial stiffness were conducted.The longitudinal reinforcements include an ordinary steel bar,a steel-fiber reinforced polymer(FRP) composite bar(SFCB), and hybrid reinforcement(steel bar and FRP bar, CH). Test results show that the peak ground acceleration(PGA) responses of different columns are similar to each other. For an ordinary reinforced concrete(RC) column, the plastic strain of the steel bar develops rapidly after the PGA of the input ground motion reaches 100 cm / s^2, and the corresponding residual strain develops dramatically. For a SFCB column, even after the peak strain reaches 0. 015, the residual strain is below 5 × 10^- 4. For the hybrid column C-H,the residual strain of the FRP bar is similar to that of the SFCB column. In general, concrete columns with hybrid steel and FRP bar reinforcement can achieve smaller residual deformation, and the SFCB reinforced columns can be constructed in extreme environments, such as offshore bridges, due to good anti-corrosion performance. 为了研究复合配筋混凝土柱的动力响应性能特征,进行了等初始刚度的普通钢筋混凝土(RC)柱、钢-连续纤维(FRP)复合筋(SFCB)混凝土柱和混杂配筋混凝土柱(钢筋/FRP筋,C-H)振动台试验.研究结果表明,不同配筋混凝土柱的加速度峰值响应差别不大;RC柱在柱台输入波峰值加速度达到100 cm/s^2之后,塑性铰区钢筋塑性应变快速发展,且有较大震后残余应变;SFCB柱在纵筋峰值应变达到0.015时,相应残余应变依然在5×10-4以下;C-H柱具有和SFCB柱类似的残余应变较小的优势.总体而言,在普通环境下混杂配筋柱可以实现较小的震后残余应变,而SFCB混凝土柱具有较高的震后可修复性(较小残余位移)的同时,可以在海洋等恶劣环境下具有高耐久性.
出处 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2016年第4期439-444,共6页 东南大学学报(英文版)
基金 The National Key Technology R&D Program of China(No.2014BAK11B04) the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.51528802,51408126) the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province(No.BK20140631)
关键词 concrete column shaking table test hybrid reinforcement peak ground acceleration strain distribution 混凝土柱 振动台试验 混杂配筋 峰值加速度 应变分布
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