
Durbin test with enhanced detection performance to mismatched signal 被引量:1

Durbin test with enhanced detection performance to mismatched signal
摘要 This paper deals with the problem of detecting a signal whose amplitude is a scaling factor in the presence of homogeneous Gaussian noise with unknown covariance matrix.Since no uniformly most powerful test exists for the problem at hand,we devise and assess a detection strategy based on the well-known Durbin test design criteria.The closed-form expressions for the probabilities of false alarm and detection of the Durbin test are derived,which show that it bears a constant false alarm rate property against the noise covariance matrix.At the analysis stage,the performance of the new receiver is assessed,also in comparison with some classical adaptive detectors,both in matched and in mismatched signal cases.The results show that the proposed detector achieves a visible performance improvement in the presence of severe steering vector mismatch,while maintaining an acceptable detection loss for matched signal. This paper deals with the problem of detecting a signal whose amplitude is a scaling factor in the presence of homogeneous Gaussian noise with unknown covariance matrix.Since no uniformly most powerful test exists for the problem at hand,we devise and assess a detection strategy based on the well-known Durbin test design criteria.The closed-form expressions for the probabilities of false alarm and detection of the Durbin test are derived,which show that it bears a constant false alarm rate property against the noise covariance matrix.At the analysis stage,the performance of the new receiver is assessed,also in comparison with some classical adaptive detectors,both in matched and in mismatched signal cases.The results show that the proposed detector achieves a visible performance improvement in the presence of severe steering vector mismatch,while maintaining an acceptable detection loss for matched signal.
机构地区 Institute of Acoustics
出处 《Chinese Journal of Acoustics》 CSCD 2016年第4期406-415,共10页 声学学报(英文版)
基金 supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(61571434)
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