
二种交配型球孢白僵菌对亚洲玉米螟的生态控制作用 被引量:10

Ecological control of the Asian corn borer,Ostrinia furnacalis(Guenée)by two cloned Beauveria bassiana strains
摘要 利用生物种间互做关系抑制农业害虫的暴发是生物防治的重要手段。为探讨二种交配型内共生球孢白僵菌与玉米之间的互惠关系及其形成的共生体在亚洲玉米螟控制中的生态效应,以玉米为宿主植物,以球孢白僵菌孢子悬浮液进行灌根,在温室内构建了二种交配型(MAT1-1-1型,B5;MAT1-2-1型,B2)球孢白僵菌-玉米共生体,并研究了共生体对玉米的生长、对亚洲玉米螟的产卵选择和幼虫发育及其对球孢白僵菌生物学特性的影响。结果显示:通过叶片离体培养、ITS基因和交配型基因MAT检测,均能检测到白僵菌的内生定殖;MAT1-2-1型B2菌株定殖检出率高,MAT1-1-1型B5菌株在混合型接种中定殖有优势。回收后的球孢白僵菌菌落直径和毒力无显著性变化,但其产孢量都显著提高其中回收B5处理组来源菌株的产孢量提高最显著。接种过球孢白僵菌的玉米植株地上部生长速度、生物量和地下根系生物量均优于对照组,其中根系干重明显增加,而地上植株干重也相对增加。MAT1-1-1型菌株B5对共生体玉米植株地上高度促生长贡献明显;MAT1-2-1型菌株B2对共生体玉米植株地下干重增加贡献明显。总体上球孢白僵菌内生定殖对玉米地下根系生物量影响大于对地上植株生物量的影响。在产卵选择性试验中,各处理组亚洲玉米螟的产卵量显著少于对照组。共生体对亚洲玉米螟产卵具有明显的趋避作用,MAT1-2-1型菌株B2对产卵的趋避作用明显,而MAT1-2-1型菌株B5的趋避作用较弱。在人工接种幼虫的试验中,处理组回收的亚洲玉米螟幼虫存活率均显著低于对照组,其中,B5组回收幼虫的存活率最低,仅为38.33%;处理组的化蛹率与对照组差异不显著,但B5组的回收幼虫化蛹率显著低于B2组和对照组,仅为34.77%,这说明MAT1-1-1型B5菌株对玉米螟幼虫发育抑制最明显。上述结果表明,不同交配型球孢白僵菌内生定殖效率有差异,在经过内生定殖后在产孢量方面有显著性提高,两个交配型菌株在联合应用时具有协同增效作用;两个交配型菌株均能够通过内生定殖与玉米形成共生体并促进玉米植株的生长,这显示球孢白僵菌和玉米之间已经建立具有互惠关系的共生体。这种共生体通过趋避亚洲玉米螟产卵、抑制幼虫存活和降低化蛹率等方面的潜力虽然不一样,但都有助于对亚洲玉米螟的可持续生态防治,也证明了共生体的建成有效提高了玉米的生态适应性,为利用球孢白僵菌内共生性实施亚洲玉米螟防控提供了新思路。 Ecological control methods are important for controlling agricultural pests. The Asian corn borer (ACB), Ostrinia furnacalis (Guen6e), has been an extremely serious pest, that cause severe reduction in corn yields. The ubiquitous entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana has been used to suppress populations of the European corn borer ( ECB), O. nubilalis, and ACB globally. Most studies have focused on the application of B. bassiana, with limited studies on the relationship between the fungus, corn, and insects. Our previous research indicated that B. bassiana with two mating- gene types, MAT1-1-1 and MAT1-2-1, could colonize corn. These mating-type genes had mutation sites cloned from endophytic fungal strains, which revealed corn plants and insects could impact fungal evolution. The purpose of the present study was to create endophytic symbiosis and determine the interaction among B. bassiana (entophytic fungus ), corn plants, and ACB. We created a B. bassiana-corn endophytic symbiosis by inoculating two mating-gene type B. bassiana strains (MAT1-1-1 type B5 and MAT1-2-1 type B2) into corn plants in a suspension with a concentration of 1 × 10^7 spores/mL. The effect of endophytic symbiosis on the growth of corn plants, oviposition preference of ACB adults, development of ACB larvae, and biological variation of B. bassiana were evaluated in the greenhouse. The results showed that endophytic B. bassiana could be detected from corn leaves in vitro by culture. ITS and mating-type gene amplification and sequencing confirmed the successful creation of endophytic symbiosis. The MAT1-2-1 type B2 treatment group showed a higher endophytic detection rate than MAT1- 1- 1 type B5, whereas MAT1- 1- 1 type B5 was more successful during co- inoculation than MAT1-2- 1 type B2. The variation of the colony diameter and virulence of the recovered B. bassiana were not significant, but the spornlation quantity improved significantly, and the EN-B5 strain (recovered from the B5 treatment) changed the most obviously. The height of corn plants and dried biomass of treatment groups were higher than the CK group, while the underground root biomass significantly improved. The B5 strain contributed more to above-ground plant height and the B2 strain contributed more to underground root biomass. ACB moths were released into nylon-meshed cages. Egg quantity showed a significant difference in all treatment groups, which was lower than that in the CK group. Egg fecundity rate in the B2 group was 3.33%, but 53.33% in the CK group; therefore, the B2-corn endophytic symbiosis group was not the preferred host for ACB egg laying. The ACB larval survival rate and weight in treatment groups were significantly lower than those in the CK group. The ACB pupation rate of treatment groups was not significantly lower than that of the CK group, but there was a significant difference between B5 and B2 groups; the B5 group had the lowest survival (38.33%) and pupation rates (34.77%). These results demonstrated that the sporulation quantity of the recovered B. bassiana strains significantly improved, and the synergism of the two strains with different mating-type genes was shown. The two B. bassiana mating-types could colonize in corn plants and mutualistic endophytie symbiosis was formed, which reinforced corn growth and improved the resistance against pests. B. bassiana-corn endophytic symbiosis is important for the sustainable management of pests by inhibiting oviposition and suppressing larval and pupal development. The results also proved that mutualistic symbiosis could improve the ecological adaptability of B. bassiana and corn, which offered a new strategy for ACB control using endophytic symbiosis through the application of B. bassiana.
出处 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第2期650-658,共9页 Acta Ecologica Sinica
基金 黑龙江自然科学基金项目(C201307) 吉林省科技厅重大科技攻关项目(20140203006NY)
关键词 球孢白僵菌 交配型 亚洲玉米螟 生态控制 Beauveria bassiana mating types Ostrinia furnacalis ecological control
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