Precipitation events spanning multiple days may have consequences different from those limited to a single day.In the present paper,the authors analyze circulation anomalies and precursory signals associated with long-duration(over 14 days) summer precipitation events over southern China.The results show that the over-14-day precipitation events are induced by an anomalous lowertropospheric(850-hPa) cyclone over the South China Sea(SCS) and southern China.The anomalous westerly winds to the south of the anomalous cyclone can be traced to north of New Guinea 30 days before.To the north of anomalous westerly winds,anomalous easterly winds appear later.The anomalous westerly and easterly winds form a cyclonic anomaly,moving northward and slightly westward during the following days and eventually controlling the SCS and southern China.The northward movement of anomalous westerly and easterly winds can also be found in the 30-60-day filtered wind field.This implies that the northward propagating 30-60-day intraseasonal oscillation from the equatorial western Pacific has an important contribution to over-14-day precipitation events over southern China.
本文重点分析了中国南方地区长持续性(14天以上)夏季降水事件的环流异常背景和相应的前期信号。结果显示,长持续性降水事件主要由中国南方及其相邻的南海地区低层(850-h Pa)气旋性环流异常导致。该气旋性环流异常可以追溯到30天以前新几内亚以北的热带地区,随后它自热带地区逐渐向北略偏西方向移动,最终影响了中国南方地区长持续性降水事件。其北移特征在30–60天滤波后的风场中也有清楚的体现,暗示了30–60天季节内振荡自热带西太平洋地区向北的传播可能对中国南方地区长持续性夏季降水事件具有重要贡献。
WU Ren-Guang
WANG Hui-Mei
LIU Ge;WU Ren-Guang;WANG Hui-Mei(State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather,Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences;Collaborative Innovation Center on Forecast and Evaluation of Meteorological Disasters,Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology;Center for Monsoon System Research,Institute of Atmospheric Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences)
supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China[grant numbers 41375090 and 41530425]
the Basic Research Fund of the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences[grant number 2015Z001]