
低生育率时代中日两国父母育儿压力与社会支持的比较分析 被引量:24

A Comparative Analysis of Social Support and Parenting Stress in China and Japan
摘要 为探索在当代中国和日本政府推行支持性生育政策的背景下,两国父母面临的育儿压力与获得的社会支持,本研究采取方便取样的方法,分别在中国和日本进行了问卷调查。问卷采用配对发放形式,中国样本来自北京市石景山区某社区幼儿园的父母,日本样本来自广岛县某育儿支援中心接受育儿支援的父母。结果发现中日样本父母的育儿支持差异较大,中国样本依然以家庭育儿为主,日本样本则以社会育儿为主;中日两国样本父母均有不同程度的育儿压力,但感知到的育儿压力类型不同,中国父母更多地感知到睡眠不足、疲倦感等身体状况不良问题,日本样本父母则是陷于社会地位丧失的危机感和育儿不安的焦虑情绪中;两国父亲样本参与育儿程度有明显差异,中国父亲参与育儿的程度明显高于日本父亲,中国样本家庭主要由夫妻双方共同承担育儿责任,日本样本则以母亲承担育儿责任为主。在当前中国老龄化社会背景及二胎政策实施同时职场压力不变的条件下,社会育儿支持对缓解中国父母育儿压力、增加其生育意愿显得尤为重要,中国政府应在尊重家庭价值的同时,全面建设可获得的社会支持网络;在父亲参与育儿方面,日本父亲则需要进一步平衡工作与家庭的关系,更多参与育儿,增加对日本母亲育儿行为的支持。 To explore how to better support parents to relieve parenting stress in contemporary China and Japan, this research took the convenient sampling method and released questionnaires in these two countries. Chinese samples came from a community in Beijing's Shijingshan District. A total of 226 ques- tionnaires were issued and 166 copies were recovered, including 80 mother samples and 86 father sam- ples. Japanese samples came from a child care support center in Hiroshima County. A total of 229 ques- tionnaires were issued and 175 copies were recovered, including 91 mother samples and 84 father sam- pies. The results showed that: (1) the difference of parenting social support between Chinese and Japanese parents was great. Chinese samples were still relied on family parenting, while Japanese samples were main- ly relied on social Parenting;(2) there were differences between Chinese and Japanese samples in parent- ing stress types. The Chinese samples mainly felt the sense of body fatigue, while the Japanese samples mainly pereeived the loss of social status; (3) there were significant differences in the level of father's involve- ment in child rearing in these two countries. Chinese fathers' participation in child rearing was significantly higher than that of Japanese fathers. It was common for Chinese parents to share responsibility for child eare, while in Japan, the burden of child rearing was more concentrated on women's shoulders. Under the so- cial background of low fertility and aging population in China, social support for Chinese parents is par- ticularly important to relieve their parenting stress and increase their fertility desire. When considering re- spect of family values, Chinese government should construct a kind of comprehensive social support net- work for parents. Meanwhile Japanese fathers need balance their work and family, and be more involved in child care to share the parenting responsibility with their wives.
出处 《学前教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第3期46-54,共9页 Studies in Early Childhood Education
基金 中日韩合作研究项目"关于育儿社会协力的日中韩调查比较研究"(项目主持人日本广岛大学七木田敦教授) 全国教育科学规划国家重点课题"学前教育中长期发展目标与推进策略研究"
关键词 育儿压力 社会支持 家庭生育政策 家庭生育意愿 parenting stress, social support, family fertility policy, family fertility desire
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