
γ射线自吸收修正因子精确计算方法研究 被引量:9

Research on Accurate Calculation Method of γ-ray Self-absorption Correction Factor
摘要 对具有一定几何尺寸的样品进行γ谱分析时,样品自身对γ射线的吸收影响对核素含量的精确测量。本文在对比国内外关于自吸收修正因子计算方法的基础上,分析了被广泛采用的简化计算模型存在的问题及对修正结果的影响。基于混合蒙特卡罗模拟的思想,提出了自吸收修正因子的精确计算模型,并使用FORTRAN程序进行了随机抽样和积分计算,得到精确的自吸收修正因子。通过加标样品及不同质量标准源的对比测量,将精确计算模型与简化计算模型和无源效率校准软件计算结果进行了对比分析。结果表明,简化计算模型过高评估了自吸收干扰,而精确计算模型计算结果与实验测量结果及无源效率校准软件计算结果具有较好的一致性,相对偏差不大于5%。最后针对核电厂周围环境中主要关注的γ核素,使用精确计算模型得到了不同γ核素在土壤中的自吸收修正因子。 In 7 spectrum analysis for the sample with a certain geometrical size, the γ-ray self-absorption affects accurate calculation of radionuclide. In this paper, the main calculation methods of self-absorption correction factor at home and abroad were compared, and the defect of the simplified calculation model and effect on measurement result were analyzed. The accurate calculation model for self-absorption correction factor was established based on hybrid Monte Carlo simulation method. The random sampling and integral calculation were done using FORTRAN program, and the accurate self-absorption correction factor was obtained. Through the experimental measurement of spiked samples and different quality standards, the accurate calculation model was compared with the result of simplified calculation model and source-less calibration software. The results show that the self-absorption correction factor evaluation of simplified calculation model is less than that of the experimental measurement results, but the calculation result of accurate calculation model is in agreement with the results of experimental measurement and source-less calibration software, and the relative deviation is not more than 5%. For the key radionuclides around nuclear power plant, the self-absorption correction factor of soil was calculated by accurate calculation model.
出处 《原子能科学技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第2期323-329,共7页 Atomic Energy Science and Technology
关键词 Γ射线 自吸收修正因子 蒙特卡罗 FORTRAN γ-ray self-absorption correction factor Monte Carlo FORTRAN
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