目的探讨成人急性呼吸道感染(ARI)患者病原体感染状况,分析其流行病学特征。方法收集2015年2 700例ARI患者血清,用间接免疫荧光法检测嗜肺军团菌血清1型(LP1),肺炎支原体(MP),Q热立克次体(COX),肺炎衣原体(CP),腺病毒(ADV),呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV),甲型和乙型流感病毒(INFA,INFB)以及副流感病毒1,2和3型(PIVs)等9种病原体IgM抗体。结果共检测到620例阳性患者,感染率为22.97%;感染率由高到低依次为MP,LP1,INFB,COX,CP,PIVs,INFA,ADV和RSV。其中混合感染占17.58%(109/620),以LP1+MP混合感染最常见。若以月份划分,11月份病原体感染率最高,4月份感染率最低(x^2=31.288,P<0.01);不同病原体流行季节也不同。男性患者感染率显著高于女性(x^2=6.402,P=0.011)。若以年龄段划分,40岁的青壮年感染率最高(x^2=9.094,P=0.059)。门诊病人与住院患者相比感染率无差异(x^2=0.114,P=0.736)。结论 MP,LP1和INFB是2015年北京地区成人呼吸道感染的主要病原体。
Objective To determine pathogens and epidemiological characteristics of adults with acute respiratory infection (ARI) in Beijing area. Methods During 2015,a total of 2 700 cases of ARI were sampled and detected for 9 respiratory pathogens including Legionella pneumophila type1 (LP1), mycoplasma pneumoniae (MP), qrickettsia (COX), chlamydia pneumoniae (CP),adenovirus (ADV),respiratory syncytial virus (RSV),influenza virus type A and B (INFA,IFVB) and parainfluenza viruses typel,2 and 3 (PIVs) using indirect fluorescence immunoassay. Results A total of 620 cases of ARI were tested positive with positive rate of 22.97% (620/2 700). MP had the highest prevalence followed by LP1, INFB, COX,CP,PIVs,INFA, ADV and RSV in turn. There were 109 cases found mixed infection with the proportion of 17.58% (109/620). Mixed infection of LP1 along with MP was the most common pattern. The highest detection rate of pathogens was observed in November,whereas the lowest in April in terms of months (x^2= 31. 288, P〈0.01). Different pathogens had distinct prevalent features. The prevalence of male was significant higher than that of female (x^2= 6. 402, P = 0.011). As for stratificated by age, the middle-aged people had the highest infection rate (x^2 = 9. 094, P= 0. 059). There was no sig- nificant difference between the out- and in-patient in terms of infection rate (x^2 = 0. 114,P= 0.7a6). Conclusion MP, LP1 and INFB accounted for ARI of adults in Beijing area during 2015.
Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine
respiratory tract infection
indirect fluorescence immunoassayiIgM antibody