Objective: To improve the knowledge of keloid with epidermal cyst, providing the basis for improving its treatment. Methods: Seventy-five cases were retrospectively analyzed in respect to the clinical manifestations, pathological examination, therapy and the follow-up. Results: Most of patients were middle age to aged with a long history of disease. The skin lesions occurred commonly on the chest, abdomen, back and external genitalia. The main clinical manifestations included repeatedly bursting and purulent discharge of keloid. Epidermal cyst structure could be seen in 41 cases. Histopathological examination showed a complete epidermal cyst structure in 62 cases, and inflammation of epidermal cyst in 37 cases. During 2 to 5-year follow-up, no relapse occurred following conventional treatment plus complete removal of epidermal cyst. Conclusion: Clinically, the middle age to aged patients with a long histoly of disease and repeated ulceration of keloid are more likely to be complicated with epidermal cyst. Thorough removal of epidermal cyst can reduce the bursting of keloid.
Journal of Clinical Dermatology