
我国网络安全信息共享立法的基本思路和制度建构 被引量:8

The Framework and Proposals for the Legislation of Cybersecurity Information Sharing in China
摘要 网络安全信息共享制度具有重大的实践价值,已成为各国网络安全立法的重点议题,但在隐私权保护、反垄断、责任承担和政府权限等方面也引发了不少争议。域外法治框架以美国《网络安全信息共享法》为典型代表,界定了应共享的网络安全信息的类型;规定了联邦政府和非联邦主体的网络安全信息共享;规定了私主体隐私、自由等权利的保护和共享信息的责任豁免;限制了政府对共享信息的后续利用。在借鉴国外立法经验的基础上,对我国未来立法提出如下建议:明确网络安全信息共享的定位和范围,不仅限于关键信息基础设施保护;规定网信部门负责领导协调信息共享,确立具有军民融合特色的行政体制机制;规定强制义务与责任豁免相结合,以促进私主体参与信息共享;平衡信息共享与私权保护的关系,避免政府滥用共享信息。 Cybersecurity information sharing has been one of the core issues of cybersecurity legislation all over the world.There are growing discussions concerning privacy protection,antitrust,responsibility,restriction of governmental power and so on within this issue.The United States has established the basic legal framework through the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act(CISA).CISA provides:cybersecurity information sharing by federal agencies and non-federal entities;protection of privacy and civil liberties,immunity from liabilities;limitations on federal use of information shared pursuant to CISA.Based on these experiences,the proposals for legislation regarding to information sharing in our country are as follows:defining the aim and scope of cybersecurity information sharing,not just only within the protection of critical information infrastructure;authorizing Cyberspace Administration of China(CAC)as the leading department and establishing an administrative mechanism with characteristics of military-civilian integration;providing both compulsive obligations and immunity from liabilities to promote information sharing;balancing information sharing and private rights protection;limiting the governmental use of information obtained from sharing.
作者 刘金瑞
出处 《暨南学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第5期14-23,共10页 Jinan Journal(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 中央马克思主义理论研究和建设工程重大项目 国家社会科学基金重大项目<全面推进依法治国重大现实问题研究>(批准号:2015MZD042) 中国法学会研究课题<我国关键基础设施保护立法研究>(批准号:CLS(2016)D44)
关键词 网络安全信息共享 网络安全法 关键信息基础设施 美国网络安全信息共享法 cybersecurity information sharing cybersecurity law critical information infrastructure cybersecurity legislation of United States
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