
基于马田系统的滚动轴承初始故障检测和状态监测 被引量:14

Incipient fault detection and condition monitoring of rolling bearings by using the Mahalanobis-Taguchi System
摘要 针对轴承寿命的四个阶段中振动信号特征参数的变化灵敏度不同,分析了特征参数对初始故障的敏感性和退化状态的相关性,提出了一种采用马田系统检测轴承初始故障和区分性能退化状态的方法。以对初始故障敏感和对退化状态相关的特征参数建立了马田系统的基准空间,并在马田系统中将两组特征参数融合为单一的特征参数马氏距离;MD1对滚动轴承初始故障的敏感性,检测轴承寿命在第一和第二阶段时出现初始故障的时间点;MD2随着滚动轴承性能退化状态而不断增大,依据其变化趋势判断轴承的退化状态;该方法避免了单一特征参数在不同运行环境中的不确定性和不稳定性,可以准确的检测出轴承的初始故障和判断轴承的退化状态。通过两组滚动轴承加速寿命试验,验证了该方法的有效性和准确性。 Because the sensit ivity of feature parameters of v ib rat io n signal are diffe re nt w i th the four-stage of bearing life , the sensitivity to incipient fa ult and the correlation o f degradation con dition were analyzed in this w o rk. A new method of incipient fault detection and performance degradation was presented by the Mahalanobis-Taguchi System (MTS ) . The feature parameters which were sensitive to in c ip ie n t fa u lt and related performance degradation condition were treated as a reference space for the Mahalanobis-Taguchi System ( M T S ) . Two groups o f feature parameters were fused with single feature parameters in MTS of Mahalanobis distance. Since M D 1 is more sensitive to in c ip ie n t fa u lt of be arings, it was used to detect the t ime of inc ipient fa u lt d u r in g the f irs t and second stages o f bearing life . A ccord in g to MD2 increasing with performance degradat ion, the degradation state o f bearings was estimated by variat ion tendency. By using this method, the uncertainty and ins tabi l ity o f single feature parameters could be avoided in dif fe re nt run ning co n d it io n. The incipient fault was also detected accurately and degradation condition o f bearings life was dis ting uish ed. The validity and accuracy of this method were ver ified by the service life o f ro lling bearing in an accelerated life test.
作者 剡昌锋 朱涛 吴黎晓 贝克 郭剑锋 YAN Changfeng ZHU Tao WU Lixiao AHMED Y Y GUO Jianfeng(School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, China Lanzhou Uranium Enrichment Company of China Nuclear Industry Corporation,Lanzhou 730060,China)
出处 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第12期155-162,188,共9页 Journal of Vibration and Shock
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51165018)
关键词 马田系统 滚动轴承 初始故障 状态监测 相关性 Mahalanobis-Taguchi System (MTS) ro l l in g b e a r in g in c ip ie n t fa u l t condition m o n ito r in g correlation
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