This article proposes a new methodology to predict the wave height and period joint distributions by utilizing a transformed linear simulation method. The proposed transformed linear simulation method is based on a Hermite transformation model where the transformation is chosen to be a monotonic cubic polynomial, calibrated such that the first four moments of the transformed model match the moments of the true process. The proposed new approach is applied for calculating the wave height and period joint distributions of a sea state with the surface elevation data measured at an offshore site, and its accuracy and efficiency are favorably validated by using comparisons with the results from an empirical joint distribution model, from a linear simulation model and from a second-order nonlinear simulation model.
This article proposes a new methodology to predict the wave height and period joint distributions by utilizing a transformed linear simulation method. The proposed transformed linear simulation method is based on a Hermite transformation model where the transformation is chosen to be a monotonic cubic polynomial, calibrated such that the first four moments of the transformed model match the moments of the true process. The proposed new approach is applied for calculating the wave height and period joint distributions of a sea state with the surface elevation data measured at an offshore site, and its accuracy and efficiency are favorably validated by using comparisons with the results from an empirical joint distribution model, from a linear simulation model and from a second-order nonlinear simulation model.
supported by the funding of an independent research project from the Chinese State Key Laboratory of Ocean Engineering(Grant No.GKZD010038)