
超声相控阵井壁成像检测的回波信号处理 被引量:6

Signal Processing of Ultrasonic Phased Array Echo of Borehole Imaging Testing
摘要 利用复小波变换法对井壁回波信号进行包络提取,并采用基于复小波变换的井壁回波信号处理方法进行了超声相控阵成像检测试验。试验结果表明,基于复小波变换的井壁回波信号处理方法能够准确提取井壁超声幅度数据,从而有效地提高检测系统的信噪比,增强图像对比度,获得更好的井壁成像显示效果。 This paper proposes the use of complex wavelet transform to extract the envelope of borehole echo signal,and the image detection test is carried out by using the echo signal processing method of borehole wall based on complex wavelet transform.Experimental results show that the extraction of borehole echo envelope and the signal processing method based on complex wavelet transform can effectively improve the signal to noise ratio of detection system,enhance image contrast,and display better borehole image.
作者 董晗 孔超 师芳芳 张碧星 DONG Han KONG Chao SHI Fangfang ZHANG Bixing(State Key Laboratory of Acoustics, Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China)
出处 《无损检测》 2017年第5期65-69,共5页 Nondestructive Testing
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(11474308 11374324 11574343)
关键词 超声相控阵 井壁成像 HILBERT变换 复小波变换 ultrasonic phased array borehole imaging hilbert transform complex wavelet transform
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