

Analysis of Female Images in Ts Jin Rob's Novels
摘要 作为一个具有深刻人文关怀和责任担当的作家,次仁罗布不仅以其敏锐的目光捕捉藏民族在现代文明发展进程中的迷茫,还塑造了一系列坚强寻梦人的女性形象。次仁罗布笔下的女性,她们有的任凭家人摆布,成为男人的附庸;有的率性反抗压迫,敢于追求自由与平等,是觉醒的女性;有的历经风雨的洗礼,变得慈悲而谦和。探究次仁罗布作品中的女性观,有利于我们更加深入地了解其作品的内涵。 As a profound humanistic writer,Ts Jin Rob not only uses his sharp eyes to capture the confusion of the development of Tibetan modern civilization,but also shapes female images who have dreams.Some of the women have mercy on their families and become a vassal of men;some are awakening women who are against oppression and dare to pursue freedom and equality;some have experienced the storm and become compassionate and humble.Exploring the feminist view contained in his works will help us to understand the works more deeply.
作者 李尊云
出处 《淮海工学院学报(人文社会科学版)》 2017年第7期38-40,共3页 Journal of Huaihai Institute of Technology(Humanities & Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 次仁罗布 女性形象 呻吟 复仇 觉醒 坚强 Ts Jin Rob female images moaning revenge awakening tough
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