This brief conceptual paper contributes a sustainability theoretic perspective of an urbanization paradigm known as Compact City. Compact City is an urban planning and development concept which promotes relatively high population density associated with an integrated and mixed-use land district. It is enabled by transit-oriented development and results in low transport-related energy consumption and reduced the GHG (Greenhouse Gases) pollution. Compact City conserves the natural capital of land mass and subscribes to the strong sustainability ethics. ICT (Information and Communications Technology) could be deployed to optimize the Compact City operations by first tackling some of the development problems associated with Compact City and also unleashing new urban innovations and functionalities to achieve sustainable urbanization. The paper suggests and elucidates several general systemic synergies archetypes such as co-benefits, cascading, ICT infrastructure reuse, etc., which could be leveraged to facilitate the emergence of compact green smart and resilient city. These archetypes are solutions to the Compact City paradigm thus conductive to the development ofa Sustainability Science of Compact City.