应用滑模施工技术修建了山东省第一条高速公路水泥混凝土路面 ,通过合理设计混凝土配合比以及合理匹配与组合机械 ,制定了一系列施工控制措施 ,完全达到了高速公路质量要求 ,且平整度远远小于高速公路指标。文章总结了施工中的一些具体做法 ,特别是在提高平整度。
The first cement concrete freeway of shan dong was built up in use of slipform technic.Setup a series of control steps which wholely meets the need of freeway's quality and irregularity.Through proper design and assignment.Concludes some useful method which can be used by increasing the irregularity and controlling plastic contraction crack and fault.
Road Machinery & Construction Mechanization