
从全州到宣城:石涛早年行迹与创作探微 被引量:4

On Shi Tao's Career Experience and Artistic Style of His Early Life
摘要 石涛早年的画风师承并不十分清晰,本文通过现存可靠画迹和史料的双重考察,试图廓清画家早年在武昌、松江和宣城期间的行迹与书画风格变化。石涛称之为"诸师友笔墨中人"的宣城诗画社成员,曾经扮演了亦师亦友的重要角色,特别是石涛与梅清之间交往密切,影响了他后来"诗画行一路"的作风。此外,本文亦对这一时期石涛书画创作中经历的"探奇索怪"予以深入讨论:分别与石涛的黄山之游和苏轼"丑字"观念有关。 This thesis analyzes both painting and historical materials for the knowledge of Shi Tao's pursuits and changes of calligraphy and painting styles of his early life in Wuchang, Songjiang and Xuancheng. Shi Tao regarded the members of the Poetry Club in Xuancheng as his scholarly mentors and friends playing an important role in his career. He was very well acquainted with Mei Qing who influenced him all the way in composing poems and paintings. In addition, his tracing the fantastic spectacles of the Huangshan Mount and following the bold and unconstrained calligraphic style of Su Shi is discussed in the thesis, which are reflected in his calligraphy and painting works of this period.
作者 谈晟广 方闻
出处 《故宫博物院院刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期58-78,共21页 Palace Museum Journal
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目"中国历代绘画大系编纂与研究"阶段性成果(编号:14JZD039) 中国文化走出去协同创新中心课题"美国的中国艺术史‘普林斯顿学派’研究"阶段性成果(编号:XTCX150614)
关键词 石涛 行迹 梅清 探奇索怪 苏轼 Shi Tao Xuancheng Meiqing the pursuit of nature and novelty Su Shi
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