
日本观光立国战略动态分析及其启示 被引量:6

Dynamic Analysis and Inspirations of Japan's Economy Strategy based on Tourism
摘要 2003年,日本政府提出"观光立国战略",旨在利用得天独厚的自然环境与丰富的旅游资源吸引外国游客,通过大力发展国际旅游业拉动经济增长,摆脱日本国内经济持续低迷的局面。在日本政府的努力下,旅游业取得了令人瞩目的成绩,成为日本支柱产业之一。之后,日本政府结合国内外政治经济形势变化及本国"少子高龄化"社会情况,先后多次调整观光立国战略发展规划,使旅游业发展成为一项由中央到地方、产学研一体化推进、自上而下的全民运动。在对日本观光立国战略背景及战略框架探讨的基础上,归纳、分析日本观光立国战略动态发展主要层面特征,为中国旅游业发展提供参考。 Economy strategy based on tourism was put forward in 2003 in order to attract more overseas tourists by using the country's exceptional natural environment and rich tourism resources,developing international tourism to boost the economic growth,and getting rid of Japan's continuous economic downturn.Due to Japanese government's making efforts,tourism has got remarkable achievements and turned into one of Japan's pillar industries.Combining the global and national political and economic situations and domestic social situation of "low birthrate and aging population",Japan adjusted the development strategy based on tourism for many times,made the tourism into one top-down national movement from central to local government with the integrative boost of industry,education and research.Based on the strategic context and framework of Japan's economy strategy on the basis of tourism,the paper generalizes and analyzes the major features of its dynamic development in order to provide a reference for China's tourism development.
作者 杨秋芬 姜凌
出处 《日本问题研究》 2017年第3期44-51,共8页 Japanese Research
基金 2016年度河北省保定市哲学社会科学规划重点课题(2016A002)
关键词 观光立国发展战略 动态 地方经济活性化 产学研 development strategy based on tourism dynamic activation of local economy industry education and research
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