建立了双束激光激发分子的方法 ,即通过第一束激光把分子激发到激发三线态 ,以第二束共振激光再把三线态分子激发到更高的激发态 ,甚至使其电离的方法。利用这种研究方法对二苯甲酮分子进行了研究 ,结果发现 ,高激发三线态的二苯甲酮分子与异丙醇分子进行的抽氢反应要比低激发三线态分子快得多 ,这为研究处于高激发态分子的电子转移反应提供了新的途径。同时 。
We established a two-step two-laser photolysis method, in which the first laser excited molecules to a lower triplet state and another sequential laser excited it resonantly to higher triplet states or make it ionization. The two-step two-laser method provides a novel way to study the electron transfer of excited molecules. The higher excited benzophenone and its radical cation were observed under the time-resolved absorption method when it was excited to lower triplet state by one laser and another one excited it to higher triplet states resonantly. The higher excited benzophenone molecules undergoing intermolecular hydrogen abstraction with iso-propylalcohol molecules was faster than the lower one. This two-step two-laser excitation method provides a new way to study selective excited biomolecules especially for DNA molecules.
Journal of Radiation Research and Radiation Processing
国家自然科学基金项目 (2 0 0 730 5 9)资助