
燕麦粉及低聚果糖对发酵香肠品质特性的影响 被引量:5

Effects of Oat Flour and Oligosaccharide on Characteristics of Fermented Sausage
摘要 以不同比例的燕麦粉、低聚果糖分别替代部分脂肪制作发酵香肠:对照组(30%脂肪)、试验组1(10%脂肪、5%燕麦、15%低聚果糖)、试验组2(10%脂肪、10%燕麦、10%低聚果糖)及试验组3(10%脂肪、15%燕麦、5%低聚果糖)。检测燕麦粉及低聚果糖对发酵香肠微生物、理化及感官特性的影响。结果显示:加工结束后,试验组3乳酸菌数显著高于其他组(P<0.05),试验组菌落总数、葡萄球菌数及TVB-N值均显著低于对照组(P<0.05);脂肪替代物对加工后期发酵香肠的水分活度、p H值、色泽、胶着性、咀嚼性、脂肪含量及灰分均影响显著,而对蛋白质含量、硬度等指标则无显著影响。试验组2感官评定结果最好。综合各项指标,添加10%猪背膘、10%燕麦粉、10%低聚果糖制作出的发酵香肠,能够将动物脂肪含量从30%降低至10%,且能够较好的保持并改善发酵香肠品质。 Fermented sausages with different levels of fat, oat flour and oligosaccharide were manufactured:control(30%fat), treatment group 1(10%fat, 5%oat flour and 15%oligosaccharide), treatment group 2 (10%fat, 10%oat flour and 10%oligosaccharide) and treatment group 3 (10%fat, 15%oat flour and 5% oligosaccharide). To investigate the effects of different proportions fat substitutes of fermented sausages, physicochemical parameters and organoleptic qualities were assessed. The results indicated that the total plate lactic acid bacteria of treatment group 3 were significantly higher(P〈0.05). The total plate of bacteria, staphy-lococcus and TVB-N of treatment groups were significantly lower than control (P〈0.05). Fat substitutes signifi-cantly influenced Aw value, pH value, color, gumminess, chewiness, fat contents and ash of fermented sausage. However, protein contents and hardness did not show any significant differences among control and treatment groups. The sensory evaluation scores of treatment group 2 were higher than the other groups. To con-clude, fermented sausages with healthier characteristics can be produced without quality loss by reducing fat from 30%to 10%and by adding 10%oat flour, 10%oligosaccharide.
出处 《食品研究与开发》 CAS 北大核心 2017年第18期92-98,共7页 Food Research and Development
基金 内蒙古自治区高校科学研究项目(2015 NJZY054) 内蒙古农业大学科技处项目(2015 BJ2014-8)
关键词 发酵香肠 燕麦粉 低聚果糖 品质特性 fermented sausage oat flour oligosaccharide characteristics
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