
燕麦粉添加量对馒头营养特性及活性化合物的影响 被引量:6

Effect of oat flour on nutritional characteristics and active compounds in steamed bread
摘要 经一次发酵法制备燕麦馒头,研究燕麦粉添加量对营养特性及活性化合物的影响。结果表明,随着燕麦粉添加量的增加,燕麦馒头的比容和L值显著降低,而a值和b值则显著增大(P<0.05),馒头表面光滑程度减弱,气泡逐渐减少,馒头变得致密。馒头中加入燕麦粉后灰分、多酚、膳食纤维、植酸等组分的含量逐渐升高,馒头提取物的抗氧化性和亚铁离子螯合能力逐渐增强,而淀粉含量和淀粉的体外消化性则逐渐下降。 Oat steamed bread was prepared by direct fermentation method. The influence of additiong amount of oat flour on nutritional characteristics and active compounds of steamed bread were investigated. The results showed that specific volume and L value of oat bread significantly decreased with the increase of addition amount of oat flour, while a value and b value significantly increased (P〈0.05). Microstructure analysis showed that smooth surface of steamed bread subsided, bubbles gradually reduced, and the structure of steamed bread became dense. The content of ash, polyphenols, dietary fiber and phytic acid in steamed bread gradually increased, and antioxidant and ferrous ion-chelating ability of steamed bread extract gradually strengthened, while starch content and in vitro digestibility of starch gradually decreased.
作者 高晶晶 李贞
出处 《粮食与油脂》 北大核心 2017年第9期86-91,共6页 Cereals & Oils
基金 内蒙古自治区高等学校科学研究项目资助(NJZC16402)
关键词 燕麦粉 馒头 营养特性 抗氧化性 oat flour steamed bread nutritional characterostics antioxidant activity
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