
四川大学望江校区5种常见留鸟的食性及其季节差异 被引量:4

A Study on Seasonal Variation Diet of Five Most Common Resident Bird Species in Wangjiang Campus of Sichuan University,Chengdu
摘要 为揭示四川大学望江校区常见鸟类食性的季节性动态,2014年8月—2015年8月观察记录了常见鸟类的组成、食物种类及取食频率,统计分析了其食物的种类组成。采用Levins指数和相似性百分率指数计算了5种常见留鸟的食性宽度和生态位重叠。结果表明:1)出现频率最高的5种鸟类均为留鸟,分别是白颊噪鹛Garrulax sannio、白头鹎Pycnonotus sinensis、麻雀Passer montanus、乌鸫Turdus merula和珠颈斑鸠Streptopelia chinensis;2)5种鸟类对植物性食物种子的取食频率最大,为55.33%;3)白颊噪鹛的食性受季节影响最小,白颊噪鹛与乌鸫在夏季的食性最专一,白头鹎、麻雀与珠颈斑鸠在春季的食性最专一;4)5种鸟类的生态位重叠较高,生态位重叠值最高的为乌鸫和麻雀(79.9%)。 In order to reveal seasonal variation in the diets of common birds in Wangjiang campus of Sichuan University,the species,food,and percentage of birds feeding frequency of common resident birds were observed in this study. The niche width and the niche overlap of the common resident bird species were calculated by using Levins index and percentage of similarity rate,respectively. The results showed that,1) the most common 5 resident bird species were Garrulax sannio,Pycnonotus sinensis,Passer montanus,Turdus merula,and Streptopelia chinensis. 2) Plant food could be divided to fruit,seed and others. And in all types of plant food,seed was the most preferred food of birds. The percentage of plant food eaten by birds was 55. 33%. 3) Among the 5 common resident birds,G. sannio had the lowest Levins index variations;G. sannio and T. merula had the lowest Levins index in summer,while P. sinensis,P. montanus and S. chinensis had the lowest Levins index in spring. 4) The niche overlap among the 5 common resident birds was high,and the largest overlap was between P. montanus and T. merula( 79. 9%).
出处 《四川动物》 北大核心 2017年第5期576-581,共6页 Sichuan Journal of Zoology
基金 人工林结构调控与稳定性维持机制及其生产力效应项目(2016YFD0600203) 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(31200477)
关键词 四川大学望江校区 常见留鸟 季节 食性 果实 Wangjiang campus of Sichuan University common resident birds season diet fruit
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