
论融媒体形态演进与智媒时代的开启 被引量:15

A Study on Smart Media Era Based on Evolution of Convergent Media Morpha
摘要 在媒介融合的时代背景下,打造一种以技术聚合为特征的融媒体形态,是媒介形态演进的需要,也是新兴媒介技术时代发展的必然趋势。融媒体传播的时代性趋势,决定了智慧传收、关系偏向、形态多元化和技术驱动等融媒体传播特征的存在。以生态位视角考察融媒体形态演进,则其内在的竞争正让位于合作,进而形成媒介聚合演进的生态优势,媒介系统也不断趋向平衡与稳定。融媒体传播实质是泛化的智慧传播,强调收受者感官体验。人性化的智媒体验也带来了人际关系重构及人"去社会化"的生存体验。 It is the need of the evolution of media morpha to construct a convergent media community characterized by polymerization technology.This is also an inevitable trend of new media technology development.The trend of media convergent era determines the characteristics of the media communication,such as smart communication,relationship bias,diversification of forms and technology driving.From the point of view of ecology,the niche competition will give place to cooperation,thus forming the ecological advantages of media convergence,and the media system tends to reach a balance and stability.In essence,convergent media communication is a generalization of intellectual communication,and it emphasizes the recipient' s sensory experience.Humanistic media experience also brings about the reconstruction of interpersonal relationship and human's de-socialization survival experience.
出处 《中州学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第9期168-172,共5页 Academic Journal of Zhongzhou
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年项目"基于熵理论的传播融合新模式研究"(12YJC860054)
关键词 融媒体形态 智媒时代 生态位 convergent media smart media era ecological niche
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