
Photosynthetic Carbon Gain, Allocation and Resources-Use Efficiency in Invasive Eupatorium Adenophorum and Its Native Congener E. Japonicum under Different Light and Nutrient Conditions

Photosynthetic Carbon Gain, Allocation and Resources-Use Efficiency in Invasive Eupatorium Adenophorum and Its Native Congener E. Japonicum under Different Light and Nutrient Conditions
摘要 Invasion is often facilitated by high resources availabilities and suppressed under low resources habitats. However, a number of invasive plants can successfully establish and dominate in resource-poor and (or) the understory of closed forests, indicating the plant's performances are habitats-dependent and species-specific. It is therefore necessary to explore the ecophysiological characteristics associated invasiveness for one invasive species across multiple resources availabilities whilst taking the relatedness into these comparative studies. In this study, invasive Eupitorium adenophorum and its native congener E. japonicum grew under different resource gradients in terms of light levels and soil nitrogen additions to identify the functional significance morphological and physiological traits associated closely with invasion and to examine their comparative responses. Photosynthetic carbon gain, biomass allocation and resource-use efficiency are evaluated in this pot experiment. Across treatments, E. adenophorum exhibited consistently higher values for most of the morphological variables including plant stature, relative growth rate (RGR), leaf root ratio (LRR), leaf area ratio (LAR), total leaf area, and lower root: shoot ratio (RSR). Significantly higher Pmax corresponded with higher photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency (PNUE) and photosynthetic energy use efficiency (PEUE) especially in low light and (or) unfertile condition. Higher Gs and Pmax but lower photosynthetic water use efficiency (WUE) indicated the trade-off relationship between WUE and PNUE for E. adenophorum. Final biomasses were higher for E. adenophorum in nutrient and(or) light limited conditions, in which higher leaf construction cost(CC) compared with E. japonicum could be over-compensated by its significantly higher assimilation rates. The effects of light levels on these plant attributes were stronger than soil nutrient contents. The responses of these two congeneric species to light and nitrogen availabilities were similar, but the differences were magnified in resources limited conditions, indicating the better performancer at acquiring and at using limited resources of E. adenophorum over its co-occurring native flora. Our study presented the distinctive advantages of E. adenophorum in resources-poor environments, indicating conventional strategy of managing resources levels to control the invasion and expending of exotic species may not be as effective as expected.
出处 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第10期1832-1840,共9页 农业科学与技术(英文版)
基金 The author is grateful to Dr Feng Yulong, the teachers and students at the Qujing normal university for enabling me to carry out this experiment. The study was founded by the Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (30670394), the Applied Basic Study Project of Yunnan Province (2007C107M),
关键词 INVASIVENESS Biomass allocation Resource utilization efficiency Construction cost PHENOLOGY 资源利用效率 生物量分配 紫茎泽兰 入侵植物 营养条件 光合碳 血吸虫 光照
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