Many of those involved in the ecological movement have found inspiration and parallels within the Buddhist tradition. The Buddhist philosophy of karmic causality and dependent origination (pratitya-samutpada) convey the notion of interdependence of humans and nature. Today, especially in the United States, there are many movements, such as the Buddhist Peace Fellowship, to promote eco-living and sustainable communities, which call for humans to be mindful of the environment and make conscientious choices for the benefit of all sentient beings and non-sentient entities. Just as humans have been the cause of the gradual deterioration of Nature, we can also be the solution towards an coo-conscious living, which not only fosters a healthy environment, but also enables us to build good merit. The core Buddhist teaching, which must be embraced by all eco-minded practitioners is the notion of interdependence, which has been expounded by notable Japanese Buddhist figures in the eighth century, such as Kukai (774-835) of the Shingon School and Dogen (1200-1253) of the Soto Zen sect, who both viewed that non-living life forms--trees, plants, and the earth--could also achieve enlightenment. Their view is based on the ontological notions of Buddha-nature (tathagata-garbha) and Indra's Jewel Net, which is a powerful image found in Huayen's (Jpn. Kegon) Avatamsaka Sutra. This paper examines Buddhist teachings and sutras, which support eco-friendly and sustainable movements in our society and world today.