The cross-regional linear cultural heritage is a kind of important tourism resource, as well as a spe- cial kind of tourism resource. But the whole value of the heritage tourism resource is difficult to evaluation, and hard to avoid fuzzy, so that the evaluation is lack of practical significance, because of the scattered resourc- es, internal differences, and relatively loose connection between the heritage sites. Based on the particularity of cross-regional linear cultural heritage and the core resource meaning of its heritage sites, this article regards the value of its heritage sites as the value of the entire heritage from a certain extent. That is to say, "the Cultur- al Route recognizes and emphasizes the value of all of its elements as substantive parts of a whole". The Chang' an-Tianshan Corridor Routes Network of Silk Road formed in the 2nd century BC ( Some people think that it had formed before Shang Dynasty ), and still in use to the l 6th century. The Routes Network, span near- ly 5 000 km, had played a very important role in business trade and cultural exchanges, and leaves a large num- ber of cultural relics and remains. In June 2014, the heritage of the Routs Network with a total of 33 heritage sites, including 22 heritage sites in China, was included in the World Heritage List, as one of the longest linear cultural heritages in the world. Therefore, it is typical significance in exploring the value evaluation of tourism resource of cross-regional linear cultural heritage. The value evaluation of resource is the evaluation of conno- tation value, application value, social impact and so on from the feature, function of the resource itself and so on, not the comprehensive evaluation including resource environment and development condition. The article, with Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Fishbein M- Rosenberg M Model, builds a model, which sets the score standards and evaluation grades, for the value evaluation of tourism resource of cross-regional linear cul- tural heritage. The empirical analysis shows that the proposed research method and evaluation model can more accurately evaluate the resource value. The value of heritage sites of Chang' an-Tianshan Corridor Routs Net- work in China is in good grade and above. The 5th grade resource, also known as special grade resource, ac- counts for 27.3% of the all resources, the 4th grade and 3rd grade resource account for 59.1% and 13.6% re- spectively. Those strategies, such as leading development, key project development and strengthening the his- torical culture mining and popularization of heritage sites, should be taken in tourism development of the Routs Network of Chang' an-Tianshan Corridor in China.
Scientia Geographica Sinica
tourism resource
cross-regional linear cultural heritage
value evaluation
Routs Network of Chang' an-Tianshan Corridor