
共产国际、苏联与中国工农红军长征落脚点的确立 被引量:2

On the Role of Communist International and the Soviet Union in the Establishment of the Foothold for the Red Army's Long Marchh
摘要 中国工农红军长征落脚点的确立,是中国共产党军事上的战略转移和政治上的战略转变共同演进的结果,其中共产国际、苏联因素至关重要。鉴于中国南方苏维埃革命运动日趋式微,共产国际、苏联提出中共和红军向西北发展并靠近苏联建立中国革命根据地的战略方针,支持中国西南和西北地区革命运动的发展;红军长征的战略方向总体上是由西进转而北上,中共中央提出北上经略西北的战略方针,并将打通国际路线,接取苏联援助作为中心任务,从而形成与共产国际、苏联支持和发展中国西北革命的战略对接;西北革命根据地最终作为中共和红军长征的落脚点和抗日的出发点,关键因素是在共产国际、苏联的指导和帮助下,中国共产党实现了从苏维埃革命政策向抗日民族统一战线政策的战略转变。 The establishment of the foothold for the Red Army's Long Marchh is the combined result of the CPC strategic military transfer and political shift, in which Communist International and the Soviet Union played an important role. Viewing that the Soviet revolutionary movement was declining in South China, Communist International and the Soviet Union proposed the strategic guideline that the CPC and its Red Army should expand itself in the Northwest and establish revolutionary bases closer to the Soviet Union to back up the revolutionary movements in the Southwest and Northwest. As the general strategic direction of the Long Marchh was to go north from the west, the CPC central committee decided to go north to take the Northwest under control, set it as its central task to open up an international route and get support from the Soviet Union, so as to achieve the strategic link between developing the revolution in Southwest China and obtaining support from Communist International and the Soviet Union. The establishment of the revolutionary base in Northwest China as the foothold for the Party and the Red Army and the starting place for resisting Japanese aggression was under the guidance and support of Communist International and the Soviet Union, which enabled the CPC to shift its policy from the Soviet revolution to the anti - Japanese national united front.
作者 王树林
出处 《中国延安干部学院学报》 2017年第2期90-108,共19页 Journal of China Executive Leadership Academy Yan’an
关键词 共产国际 苏联 中国共产党 红军 长征 Communist International Soviet Union Communist Party of China ( CPC ) Red Army Long Marchh
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