目的探讨缺氧诱导因子(HIF)-α亚型在颈动脉体可塑性中的作用。方法给SD大鼠慢性间歇性低氧每天8 h,处理3 w后,收获颈动脉体,提取RAN,用RT-PCR方法检测HIF-α亚型在颈动脉体的表达。结果大鼠颈动脉体表达HIF-1α、HIF-2α和HIF-3α mRNA。慢性间歇性低氧处理后,大鼠颈动脉体HIF-2α和HIF-3α mRNA表达量增高,但是HIF-1α mRNA表达量无变化。结论大鼠颈动脉体表达三种HIF-α亚型,即HIF-1α、HIF-2α和HIF-3α,其中HIF-2α和HIF-3α参与慢性间歇性低氧引起的颈动脉体化学感受性反射的可塑性。
Objective To investigate the effect of chronic intermittent hypoxia on the HIF-ot subtype expression in rat carotid body. Methods SD male rats were treated with chronic intermittent hypoxia for 8 hours a day, total 2 weeks. Then the carotid bodies were collect- ed and total RNA were extracted. HIF-α subtypes were examined by RT-PCR. Results The rat carotid body expressed HIF-1α, HIF-2α and HIF-3α mRNA. Chronic intermittent hypoxia increased HIF-2α and HIF-3α mRNA levels, but not influenced HIF-1α mRNA level. VEGF mRNA in rat carotid body was upregulatcd by chronic intermittent hypoxia. Conclusions The rat carotid body expresses three HIF-α sub- types, HIF-2α and HIF-3α but not HIF-1α might be involved in the VEGF upregulation which is considered to be associated with carotid body chemoreflex plasticity induced by chronic intermittent hypoxia.
Chinese Journal of Gerontology