
中国社区中的心理健康案例研究(二十二)——赌博障碍 被引量:2

Case Studies of Mental Health in Chinese Community(22) ——Gambling Disorder
摘要 赌博障碍是一种以持续、不能控制赌博冲动为特征的渐进性慢性精神障碍。临床表现为嗜赌不贻、自制尝试失败,且表现出戒断症状与耐受性,通常给自身带来严重的经济问题、心理问题以及家庭关系障碍。本文报道1例23岁男性赌博障碍患者的心理治疗过程,以期提高社区医生应用综合心理治疗咨询与治疗方法的能力。 Gambling disorder is a chronic and progressive mental disorder characterized by persistent gambling and uncontrollable gambling impulse. These patients usually have repeated problematic gambling and many failures to stop it,withdrawal symptoms associated with attempts to cease or reduce gambling,and tolerance due to drug therapy,which often bring serious money and psychological problems and disordered family relationships. We introduced the psychotherapy for one 23-year-old male with gambling disorder,with a view to providing a reference for general practitioners to treat such patients with the comprehensive counseling and psychotherapy.
出处 《中国全科医学》 CAS 北大核心 2017年第34期4342-4346,共5页 Chinese General Practice
基金 江西省卫生计生委科技计划项目(20175553)
关键词 赌博障碍 心理治疗过程 全科医学 精神卫生 Gambl ing disorder P s y ch o th era p e ut ic proce s se s Ge n e ral p ra c t ic e M e n ta l h e a lth
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