
羌族头面部6项指标与身高的相关性 被引量:4

Correlation analysis between six cephalo-facial measurements and stature of Qiang nationality
摘要 随机选取四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州茂县的602例羌族成年人,测量其身高和头面部6项指标,包括面宽、眼内角间宽、口裂宽、鼻宽、容貌面高和鼻高,建立羌族人群头面部指标与身高的线性相关和多元回归方程.结果表明,羌族男性的身高和6项头面部指标值均高于女性数值.6项头面部指标中,羌族男性和女性均是面宽与身高的相关性最大.根据线性回归方程推算的羌族男性和女性的身高值比通过倍增因数推测的身高值更接近实际测量值.在多元回归分析中,根据羌族男性头面部6项指标建立的多元回归方程具有最小的估计标准误差,即该方程更适于推测男性身高;羌族女性中,根据单一变量(面宽)建立的回归方程具有最小的估计标准误差,因此适于推测女性身高. To establish the relationship between cephalo-facial characters and stature of Qiang nationality, 602 adults of Qiang group were sampled randomly in Mao county in Tibetan Qiang Autonomous Prefecture of Aba in Sichuan Province. The stature and six cephalo-faeial indexes were measured, including facial breadth, interocular breadth, mouth breadth, nasal breadth, facial height and nasal height. The linear and multiple regression equations between stature and cephalo-facial characters were constructed, and the statures were calculated according to the linear regression equations and multiplication factors respectively. The results showed that the stature and six cephalo-facial indexes of males were higher than those of females. Among the six indexes, the relationship between facial breadth and stature was the highest in both males and females. The statures calculated according to the linear regression equations were closer to the measurement values than that calculated according to the multiplication factors in both males and females. As for multiple regression relationship, the equation constructed according to the six cephalo-facial indexes was the fittest for calculating the stature of males, while, the equation constructed according to the single index (facial breadth) was the fittest for calculating the stature of females.
出处 《天津师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2017年第6期67-70,共4页 Journal of Tianjin Normal University:Natural Science Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(31401022 31671245 31271283) 天津师范大学青年基金资助项目(52XQ1601) 天津师范大学通识选修课程建设项目"人类生物学导论"
关键词 羌族 身高 倍增因数 回归方程 头面部 Qiang nationality stature multiplication factor regression equation eephalo-facial
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