欧盟新车评价规程Euro NCAP中的TRL腿型验算即将被FLEX-PLI腿型验算替代,所以针对前者开发的某款车型在使用新标准验算时不能得到满分。运用计算机仿真对该车型前端结构进行改进:去除前保险杠吸能泡沫;重新设计W形结构的下腿部保护横梁,在碰撞点对应位置增加与FLEX-PLI腿型宽度相同的加强筋,加大下腿部保护横梁与前保横梁的距离;改进导风板局部结构。对改进后前端结构进行FLEX-PLI腿型验算,达到得分为满分的目标。
The TRL legforrm checking calculation in Euro NCAP will be replaced by FLEX-PLI legform checking calculation , so a vehicle type which is designed on the basis of TRL legorm will fail to achieve full marks when the newstandard checking calculation is pushed out. The front structures of tliis vehicle are improved by computer simulation. The absorbing energy foam in front bumper is removed. The W- shape pedestrian cruris protection bumper is redesigned: the reinforcing ribs are added corresponding to the impact points and its width is equal to the legform width in Fprotection bumper and front bumper is increased, and the local structures oThe FLEX-PLI legorm checking calculation is carried out for the original and improved front structures,and the goal of full marks can be achieved.
Computer Aided Engineering