

Analysis and comparison of ego states of clinical nurses
摘要 目的探讨临床护士的功能自我状态特征,以及与临床沟通能力之间的关系。方法 2015-05对某医院全部临床科室700名护理人员发放研究问卷(基本信息、自我状态问卷及临床沟通能力问卷),并对护士群体自我状态进行分析、比较科室和培训背景的护士自我状态的差异及自我状态与临床沟通能力之间的关系。结果整体上,护士群体五种自我状态水平差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),养育型父母得分最高(17.14±3.00);适应型儿童得分最低(9.36±3.97),控制型父母次低(11.13±2.80);成人和自由型儿童得分位于中间;干部科室的护士养育型父母高于其他科室;相对未受过心理培训的护士,受过专业心理培训的护士成人更高,而适应型儿童更低;养育型父母和成人对临床沟通能力有正向影响,适应型儿童和控制型父母对临床沟通有负面影响。结论护士自我状态对临床沟通能力有显著影响,可通过心理培训建设护士自我状态,此外可通过匹配不同科室与不同自我状态特点的护士,优化护理服务。 Objective To investigate the ego states of clinical nurses and to analyze their relations with clinical ability of com- munication. Methods In May 2015, data was collected by handing out questionnaires to 700 clinical nurses in a hospital beiore being analyzed to find out about nurses' ego states. Nurses from different departments and training backgrounds were compared to study the relationships between ego states and clinical ability of communication. Results Overall, there was significant difference in scores of five ego states between clinical nurses ( P 〈 0.05 ). Specifically, the score of Nurturing Parent ego state was the highest ( 17.14 ± 3.00) ,followed by Adult and Free Child ego state, Controlling Parent ego state (11.13 ±2.80)and Adapted Child ego state (9.36 ± 3.97). The Nurturing Parent ego state scores of nurses in departments for cadres were higher than in other departments. Nurses who had received psychological training had higher Adult ego state scores but lower Adapted Child ego state scores than those without psy- chological training. Nurturing Parent and Adult ego states had positive influence on clinical ability of communication, while those of A- dapted Child and Controlling Parent had negative influence. Conclusions Nurses' ego states have significant effect on their clinical a- bility of communication, and ego states could be improved through psychological training. Furthermore, matching different departments with nurses with different ego states could potentially improve nursing quality.
出处 《武警医学》 CAS 2017年第11期1096-1099,共4页 Medical Journal of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force
关键词 临床护士 自我状态 临床沟通 人际沟通分析 clinical nurse egos states clinical communication transactional analysis
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