旅游交通和景区交通的通行可达程度,决定着一个地区旅游的发展程度.通过运用ArcGis 10.2软件,构建O-D时间成本矩阵,对山西省公路交通网内的国家A级景区进行分析研究得出:A级景区之间的平均通行时间范围为2.24~6.32小时;可达性系数范围为0.645~1.819;可达性系数小于1的A级景区为89个,占总景区54.60%,大于1的A级景区为74个,占总景区45.40%.因受道路密度、景区密度的影响,山西省A级景区间的平均通行时间及景区的可达性差异明显.A级景区可达性的空间格局呈现出以山西中部地区为中心,向晋南、晋北地区递减的圈层结构.最后,对基于公路交通网的山西省A级景区可达性差异状况及山西省的旅游发展提出优化建议.
The degree of accessibility of tourist traffic and scenic traffic determines the degree of development of a region's tourism. By using the software of ArcGis 10. 2,O-D construction time cost ma- trix of Shanxi province highway network in the country of A-level scenic study shows that the average travel time between the range of A-level scenic 2.24- 6.32 hours;accessibility coefficient is in the range of 0. 645-1. 819. Accessibility coefficient is less than 1 A-level scenic area is 89,the total area of 54.60%. More than 1 A-level scenic area is 74,the total area of 45. 400/00. Because of the influence of the density of road and the density of scenic spots,the average travel time and accessibility of scenic spots in Shanxi grade a scenic spot are obviously different. A scenic accessibility spatial pattern in Shanxi central region as the center, layer distribution of Jinnan, descending to the north region of shanxi. Finally,the paper puts forward some suggestions for the development of Shanxi province's A-class scenic spots and Shanxi's tourism based on traffic accessibility.
Journal of Taiyuan Normal University:Natural Science Edition
A-class scenic spots
road traffic network
tourist traffic