
老年女性服用复方钙剂与骨代谢标志物和骨密度的关系 被引量:4

摘要 目的调查老年女性服用维生素D和复方钙剂(简称复方钙剂)与骨转换标志物、骨密度的关系。方法对286例老年女性服用复方钙剂的情况进行调查,并接受骨代谢标志物[包括I型胶原羧基端肽B特殊序列(CTX)、总I型胶原氨基瑞前肽(P1NP)和骨钙素(OC)、25-羟基维生素D3[25(oH)D]和甲状旁腺激素(PTH)]和骨密度(包括髋部和腰椎)的检测,然后分析服用复方钙剂与骨代谢标志物、骨密度的关系。结果与不服用复方钙剂组相比,服用组老年女性血清CTX、P1NP和OC水平较低(P均〈0.01),血清25(0H)D、总髋部和腰椎1—4骨密度较高(P均〈0.05),而在血清PTH和股骨颈骨密度上两组之间差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论老年女性坚持服用复方钙剂有助于降低其骨转换水平,提高血清25(OH)D水平,维持其总髋部和腰椎1—4的骨密度。 Objective To evaluate the relationship between supplement calcium and vitamin D compound ( calcium compound ) and bone mineral density, and bone metabolism markers in women aged 70 and over. Methods A cross-sectional survey was conducted in a cohort comprising 286 women. All participants underwent an questionnaire survey of calcium compound supplement. Bone mineral density and bone metabolism markers were conducted, and the relationship between calcium compound supplement and bone mineral density, bone metabolism markers were analyzed. Results The the levels of serum C-telopeptide of type 1 collagen, N-terminal propeptide of type I procolagen, and osteocalcin were significantly lower ( all P〈0.01 ) , and serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D, total hip and lumbar bone minera density were significantly higher in old women who had supplied calcium compound ( all P〈0.05 ) than those had not. Conclusion To supply calcium compound can decrease the level of bone turnover markers, and increase the one of 25 ( OH ) D, which can maintain total hip and lumbar bone minera density.
出处 《浙江临床医学》 2018年第2期208-209,共2页 Zhejiang Clinical Medical Journal
基金 浙江省医药卫生平台重点资助项目(2016ZDA002)
关键词 碳酸钙 骨转换标志物骨密度老年女性 Calcium carbonate Bone density Bone turnover markers Elder woman
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