
我国医用耗材采购竞价分组方案初探 被引量:7

Preliminary exploration on “bidding group” in medical supplies procurement system
摘要 目的:基于域外国家医用耗材质量评价措施和我国药品竞价分组实践,总结典型经验做法,探索建立我国医用耗材竞价分组方案。方法:采用文献分析法梳理域外医用耗材质量评价典型措施,总结我国药品竞价分组指标体系构建情况;利用简单的数据统计反映我国现阶段医用耗材存在相关政策缺失、质量层次差异等问题。结果:我国医用耗材质量评价方面存在较多问题,而域外质量评价典型措施和我国药品竞价分组实践为医用耗材竞价分组建立提供了理论和实践基础。结论:在明确医用耗材与药品差异的基础上,按照"三阶段"思路逐步完善;依据现有资料和实践情况,科学的选择指标建立竞价组划分标准,探索形成我国医用耗材竞价分组方案。 Objective: To summarize the typical experiences and practices based on the quality evaluation of medical consumables in foreign countries and the practice of drug bidding in China,and to explore the establishment of a bidding grouping scheme for medical consumables in China. Methods: Using literature analysis and evaluation method of combing foreign countries typical measures of medical consumables quality assessment,this paper summarized the construction of index system of bidding in China Pharmaceutical Group,and used simple statistical data to reflect the present policy of China's medical supplies such as lack of relevant policies,different levels of quality etc..Results: There are many problems in the quality evaluation of medical consumables in China. However,the typical measures of extraterritorial quality evaluation and the practice of pharmaceutical bidding in China provide a solid theoretical and practical basis for the establishment of medical consumable supplies bidding grouping. Conclusion: Establishing bidding grouping scheme is necessary in the Chinese Medical supplies context. Based on a clear difference between medical supplies and medicines,and according to the "three stage"our conceptualization gradually improved.On the basis of the existing data and practical situation,the establishment of scientific selection index bidding group division standard,has been in the exploration of the formation of China's medical supplies bidding grouping scheme.
机构地区 中国药科大学
出处 《中国卫生政策研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第12期27-32,共6页 Chinese Journal of Health Policy
关键词 医用耗材 竞价分组 采购制度 Medical supplies Bidding group Procurement system
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