《文献通考·经籍考》的内容层次中,总叙中论述学术文化发展的部分与叙述各部类学术源流的小序构成了一篇学术文化史。总叙中论述历代图书整理的部分与反映历代各类图书聚散的小计构成了一篇图书目录学史。《经籍考》的解题融汇诸家精华且内容丰富,其中仅辨伪一项就可归纳为20种方法,并对后世产生很大影响。《经籍考》著录书目共3 938条,考虑到数书一录和一书重见的情况,可知共收录约4 200余种书籍。统计书目在各部类的分布可知数量由多到少依次是集部、子部、史部、经部。经部以易类、春秋类、小学类为最多,史部以传记类、地理类为最多,子部以小说家类、医家类、儒家类为最多,集部以别集类、诗集类为最多,反映了宋代各部类学术文化的发展状况。
In the content hierarchy of Wen Xian Tong Kao Jing Ji Kao,the part which discussing academic culture development in general preface and the short prefaces which narrating academic origin and development of each class constitute an academic culture history. The part of general preface which discussing books collating of previous generation and the subtotal which reflecting books,accumulation and dispersion of previous generation of each class constitute the history of bibliography. The interpretation of titles in Jing Ji Kao integrate each essence and have rich content,including the part of distinguish the false can be concluded to twenty kinds of methods,which have great influence upon later generations. The bibliography document of Jing Ji Kao have 3938 clauses,but in consideration of several books in one record and repeated emergence of one book,can get to know that include more than 4200 books throughout the book. By counting distribution of bibliography document in each class can we get to know that amount of booklist from more to less are documents of Jibu,documents of Zibu,documents of Shibu and documents of Jingbu. Yilei and Chunqiulei and Xiaoxuelei are the most of the documents of Jingbu,Zhuanjilei and Dililei are the most of the documents of Shibu,Xiaoshuojialei and Yijialei and Rujialei are the most of the documents of Zibu,Beijilei and Shijilei are the most of the documents of Jibu,which reflect the development status of each class in academic culture in the Song dynasty.
LIAN Fan(Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,Chin)
Journal of Xinzhou Teachers University
Wen Xian Tong Kao Jing Ji Kao
Ma Duanlin
content hierarchy
title catalogue
Jilu system
academic history