
个性化音乐康复护理在抑郁症患者中的应用及效果评价 被引量:1

Application and Effect Evaluation of Personalized Music Rehabilitation Nursing of Depression Patients
摘要 目的评价并研究选择采用个性化音乐康复护理对于抑郁症患者进行护理所取得的效果,以便于为临床干预工作提供科学的参考。方法本研究采用分组对照方法进行调查研究,所有患者均为我院在2016年8月到2017年10月收治的抑郁症患者,本研究选择96例患者作为研究对象,对于所有患者进行随机分组,分为观察组48例,对照组48例。本研究两组患者均配合有针对性的治疗方法进行治疗,对照组患者在此基础上配合常规护理措施进行干预,观察组患者选择采用个性化音乐康复护理进行干预和指导,对两组患者护理结束之后的临床效果进行评价并作比较。结果对于本研究两组护理干预之前和护理干预结束以后的汉密尔顿抑郁量表评分进行评价和比较,在护理干预结束之前,本研究两组患者之间不存在明显的差异性P>0.05,不具有统计学意义;护理干预结束以后,两种患者存在差异性P<0.05,观察组优于对照组,具有统计学意义。结论对于抑郁症患者在进行治疗时,配合个性化音乐康复护理进行干预和指导能够有效的改善患者的抑郁症状,提升患者的康复效果,值得临床广泛应用。 Objective to evaluate and study effect of personalized music rehabilitation nursing on depression patients to provide scientific reference for clinical intervention. Methods in the study, carry on grouping control method, choose 96 cases depression patients in our hospital from August 2016 to October 2017 as study objects, divide them into observation group 48 cases and control group48 cases randomly. Carry on targeted therapy for two groups, control group was treated with routine nursing intervention, and observation group with personalized music rehabilitation nursing intervention and guidance. Evaluate and compare clinical effects after nursing between two groups. Results evaluate and compare Hamilton depression scale of two groups before and after nursing intervention. Before nursing intervention, difference showed no statistical significance between two groups, P0.05; after nursing intervention, difference showed no statistical significance between two groups, P0.05, result of observation group was better than control group, with statistical significance. Conclusion personalized music rehabilitation nursing intervention and guidance can improve depressive symptoms of patients effectively and improve rehabilitation effect, which is worthy of promotion and application.
作者 季雪萍 JI Xue-ping(Pingyi County Psychiatric Hospital,Linyi,Shandong,27330)
出处 《智慧健康》 2018年第9期89-90,92,共3页 Smart Healthcare
关键词 个性化音乐康复护理 抑郁症 应用效果 Personalized music rehabilitation nursing Depression Application effect
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