
北京雾霾治理措施对比分析——基于系统动力学仿真预测 被引量:6

Comparative Analysis of Haze Control Measures in Beijing: Simulation and Prediction Based on System Dynamics
摘要 指出粗放式的经济发展模式是造成北京雾霾天气的罪魁祸首,不合理的产业结构、科技创新停滞不前、能源的过度消耗及不合理的消费结构、急剧增加的机动车保有量是北京雾霾频发的最直接原因。在厘清北京市经济、能源、雾霾三者耦合机制和发展态势的基础上,通过系统动力学构建北京经济、能源、雾霾耦合作用的雾霾治理系统从而对四大主流雾霾治理措施的治理效果进行动态仿真预测。最后,基于仿真预测结果进行对比分析,发现治理北京雾霾当务之急是绿化能源消费结构,其次是控制机动车相对保有量。同时,从仿真预测结果得到启示,未来对北京雾霾治理的重心需由生产性污染物排放向生活性污染物排放转移。 Beijing haze is still grim, and haze governance urgent. The paper points out that extensive economic develop- ment model is the main cause of haze weather in Beijing. Irrational industrial structure, stagnation of scientific and techno- logical innovation, excessive consumption of energy and irrational consumption structure, the rapid increase of motor vehicle ownership is the most direct cause of frequent haze in Beijing. Based on the coupling mechanism and development trend of Beijing economy, energy and haze, thedynamic simulation of the four main measures of governance haze governance effect predicted by the system dynamics to establish the haze governance system of Beijing economic, energy, haze interac- tion. Based on the comparative analysis of the simulation results, it is found that the urgent task of controlling the haze in Beijing is to construct the green energy consumption structure, and secondly to control the relative ownership of the motor vehicles. On the other hand, from the results of the simulation, the paper points out that the focus of the haze governance in Beijing will be transferred from the productive pollutants emission to the living pollutant emission.
作者 李智江 唐德才 Li Zhijiang;Tang Decai(School of Management and Engineering,Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology,Nanjing Jiangsu 210044,China)
出处 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第20期253-261,共9页 Science and Technology Management Research
基金 中国气象局软科学研究重点项目"智慧气象内涵 方向 规划与政策探讨"(2017[15]) 南京信息工程大学气候变化与公共政策研究院2017开放课题重点项目"江苏能源消费碳排放驱动因素研究"(17QHA003)
关键词 北京雾霾 雾霾治理系统 系统动力学 措施对比分析 Beijing haze haze governance system system dynamics comparative analysis of measures
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