在美国文学史上 ,德莱塞塑造的嘉莉妹妹一直是个有争议的人物形象。关于作者对嘉莉的“堕落”所采取的“暧昧”立场 ,评论界从最初口诛笔伐到后来毁誉参半的态度转变代表了女性主义发展的成果。本文从上个世纪之交美国“新女性”的崛起这一特定社会历史背景出发 ,尝试解读嘉莉妹妹形象的女性主义内涵 ,并通过考察作者与当时主流文化中的“女性特质”意识形态之间的微妙关系来揭示其在这部小说中最终放弃道德评判的社会文化根源 ,从而对德莱塞女性观的内在矛盾性作出解释。
In the American literary history, Sister Carrie has been a controversial figure all along. Toward the author's 'ambivalent' stand on the issue of Carrie's 'fall,' a change of attitude can be observed in critics over the past century from the original unanimous condemnation to the current comments inspired by mixed feelings of approval and resentment, which unquestionably represents a significant achievement in the development of feminist consciousness. This thesis aims to offer a feminist reading of the image of Sister Carrie in the context of the rise of 'New Woman' in the 19th-century America in order to arrive at a reasonable explanation of Dreiser's ambivalent view of womanhood. Hopefully, an exploration of Dreiser's stand as against the 19th-century mainstream ideology of 'femininity' will expose the social cultural forces behind Dreiser's aborted effort to make any moral judgment on Sister Carrie.
Foreign Literature Studies