数据库是高校就业系统设计的核心,数据库加密是保障数据安全有效的方法。文章结合高校就业系统的体系结构及设计,探讨了数据库加密的必要性和加密算法的选择。并以SQL Server 2008为平台,分析了透明数据加密的原理和使用情境,最后给出透明加密的具体实现。
Database is the core of university employment system design,database encryption is an effective method to protect da ta safety.Based on the architecture and database design of university employment system,discusses the necessity of database en cryption and encryption algorithm selection,and in the SQL Server 2008 as the platform,analyzes the principle and the use of transparent data encryption of the situation,the final realization of transparent encryption.
Computer Knowledge and Technology