Using NCEP/NCAR R2 reanalysis daily data and daily meteorologicalobservational data of southwest China in 2010, this paper studied the submonthlytimescale oscillation characteristics of the East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM) and itseffect on the temperature of southwest China in 2010 by bandpass filtering, wavelettransformation, composite analysis and correlation analysis. The main conclusions areas follows: The EAWM in 2010 was dominated by low-frequency oscillations of about 7-,12-, and 30-day periods. There existed obviously negative correlation between theEAWM and the winter temperature in southwest China on submonthly, quasi-weeklyand quasi-biweekly timescales, and negative correlation was more obvious on thequasi-biweekly than the quasi-weekly timescale. There was significant difference in thedistribution of high, middle and low layer of the troposphere when the EAWM was onthe submonthly, quasi-one-week and quasi-two-week timescales in the positive andnegative phase. In the positive EAWM phase, the upper-level subtropical westerly jet isstronger and the East Asia trough is deeper, thus it is favorable for the dominance ofmore powerful north wind and lower temperature in southwest China. On the contrary,in the negative EAWM phase, the upper-level subtropical westerly jet is weaker and theEast Asia trough is shallower, thus unfavorable for the north wind and lowertemperature in southwest China.