
基于技术的教学:如何重新定位教师角色 被引量:34

How to Re-Identify the Role of Teacher:Technology-Based Teaching
摘要 新技术融入教学并促进教学方式的转变,已经成为必然趋势。一方面,数字土著已经成为学校学习的主体;另一方面,学校信息技术的应用与推广还不理想。这给教师的专业性和角色带来前所未有的挑战。教师需要重新定位自己的专业角色,转变对技术介入的态度和观念,在充分理解信息技术对于教学变革实际意义的基础上,创设技术融入的情境,让新技术的运用渗透到个体学习的整个过程中,使"基于技术的教学"成为教师教学新的内涵特征与表现方式。当新技术在与教学的融合之中形成转变教学方式的重要组成部分,基于技术的教学必将成为教师教学的核心能力之一。由此,教师需要更新教学观念以促进个性化学习,重构教学空间以改变学习方式,改进教学方法以提升教学效果,使新技术有机地融入教师的培养和培训中,转变教师专业发展的理念。 It has become an inevitable trend for the new technology merging with teaching and changing theteaching approach.On one hand,digital natives have become the main body of learning.On the other hand,theapplication and promotion of technology is unsatisfying in schools.This makes the teacher face unprecedentedchallenges,which lead the teachers to re-identify their professional role,and to change their attitude and perceptionof technology's intervention.The teachers need to create the technology-integrated environment,with technologypenetration into the whole process of individual learning,hence to make the technology-based teaching become thenew hallmark and manifestation of teacher's teaching.With the new technology integrating with teaching andbecoming the crucial element of transforming teaching approach,technology-based teaching ability turns into one ofthe core capabilities of teachers.Therefore,teachers tend to renew their teaching rationales so as to promote thepersonalized learning,to reconstruct the teaching space for changing learning methods,to transform teachingapproach in order to improve teaching effect,to integrate new technology into teacher training and to change theconcept of teachers'professional development.
作者 丁钢 DING Gang
出处 《现代远程教育研究》 CSSCI 2017年第3期44-49,共6页 Modern Distance Education Research
关键词 基于技术的教学 教师角色 核心能力 内涵特征 教学方式 Technology-Based Teaching Teacher's Role Core Capability Hallmark Teaching Approach
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