The tail latency of end-user requests,which directly impacts the user experience and the revenue,is highly related to its corresponding numerous accesses in key-value stores.The replica selection algorithm is crucial to cut the tail latency of these key-value accesses.Recently,the C3 algorithm,which creatively piggybacks the queue-size of waiting keys from replica servers for the replica selection at clients,is proposed in NSDI 2015.Although C3 improves the tail latency a lot,it suffers from the timeliness issue on the feedback information,which directly influences the replica selection.In this paper,we analysis the evaluation of queuesize of waiting keys of C3,and some findings of queue-size variation were made.It motivate us to propose the Prediction-Based Replica Selection(PRS)algorithm,which predicts the queue-size at replica servers under the poor timeliness condition,instead of utilizing the exponentially weighted moving average of the state piggybacked queue-size as in C3.Consequently,PRS can obtain more accurate queue-size at clients than C3,and thus outperforms C3 in terms of cutting the tail latency.Simulation results confirm the advantage of PRS over C3.
International Conference of Pioneering Computer Scientists, Engineers and Educators(ICPCSEE)