

The Design of Gate Driver Circuit Integrated by Metal Oxide Thin Film Transistors Applied in AMOLED Displays
摘要 薄膜晶体管(thin film transistor,TFT)是平板显示领域核心的有源寻址器件,金属氧化物TFT应用于有源矩阵有机发光二级管(active matrix organic light emitting diode,AMOLED)显示已成为业界研究热点.基于氧化铟镓锌薄膜晶体管(IGZO TFT)模型,采用相邻TFT串接反馈(series connected two-transistor,STT)、双负电源、多时钟控制等结构设计,提出一款新型的行集成驱动电路.该电路能显著减少器材的漏电流,有效提高输出级栅级电压,稳定输出.仿真结果显示,在60 Hz刷新速率下,该电路单级的功耗为161.53μW,驱动信号为7μs,满足4 K(3 840列×2 160行)分辨率的显示需求,可以实现180级级联和复用输出,电路结构简单,功耗小.通过进一步优化该电路的结构与器件参数,单级功耗可减少到126.05μW,同时纹波和失真也可得到一定程度的抑制. Thin film transistor(TFT)is the key device in flat panel display.Metal oxide TFT has gained much attention in AMOLED displays.A new gate driver circuit by IGZO TFT was proposed,which employing STT struture,double negative power supply and multi clock control.The simulation results showed that the circuit had a simple structure,stable gate voltage,small leakage current and low distortion.Drive signal of the circuit was 7μs in order to meet the working requirements of 60 Hz refresh rate of 4 K resolution.The circuit could realize multiplexing output of 180 levels.The power consumption of the single-level circuit was reduced from 161.53μW to 126.05μW by circuit optimization.Voltage ripple and signal distortion was also reduced.
作者 黄静 王志亮 张振娟 邓洪海 魏觅觅 HUANG Jing;WANG Zhiliang;ZHANG Zhenjuan;DENG Honghai;WEI Mimi(School of Electronics and Information,Nantong University,Nantong 226019,China)
出处 《南通大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2017年第4期1-4,81,共5页 Journal of Nantong University(Natural Science Edition) 
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(61505090) 南通市应用基础研究项目(GY12016024)
关键词 有源矩阵有机发光二级管 氧化铟镓锌薄膜晶体管 行驱动电路 复用输出 active matrix organic light emitting diode IGZO TFT gate driver circuit multiplexing output
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