
激光在龋病中的研究进展 被引量:1

Research Progress of Laser in Caries
摘要 龋病在口腔疾病中发病率较高,其中青少年及老年人患龋率相当高,且在龋病治疗中对疼痛的耐受程度较低,需要引起我们的重视。传统的涡轮手机在去除龋坏组织的过程中会产生的噪音并使患者产生强烈的疼痛感,使患者有恐惧心理。这就提示我们可以更新去除龋坏的方式,采用无噪音、疼痛轻的设备。激光去腐技术即能做到以上几点,它因具患者较易接受和较大程度保留牙体组织等优点而成为近年研究的热点。本文就激光的分类、工作原理、优势等方面进行综述。 Caries are one of the most common diseases in oral diseases.Among them,the incidence of dental caries in young and old people is very high,and their tolerance to pain is low in caries treatment,which needs to be paid attention to.The traditional turbine phone causes noise by removing the dental caries and makes the patients fear and feel pain.This means that we can update the way of corruption,using no noise,lighter pain equipment.Laser caries removal technology can achieve the points above.It has become the focus of research in recent years because of its advantages such as easier acceptance and greater retention of tooth tissues.In this paper,the classification,working principle and advantages of laser are briefly discussed.
作者 于烁 丁丽娜 傅志华 李乾鹏 武照 陈英新 YU Shuo;DING li-na;FU Zhi-hua;LI Gan-peng;WU Zhao;CHEN Ying-xin(Jilin University Oral Hospital,Jilin Changchun 130000,China)
出处 《全科口腔医学电子杂志》 2018年第18期21-23,共3页 Electronic Journal of General Stomatology
关键词 激光 龋病 窝洞预备 Laser Caries Cavity preparation
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