

Design and implementation of high precision WLAN locating system based on TDOA and PTP
摘要 针对室内WLAN定位目前难以达到分米甚至厘米级的高精度问题,以IEEE1588v2(PTP)精确网络时钟同步技术和到达时差原理(TDOA)为基础,结合非视距(NLOS)测距误差消除等技术,研究和设计出一套基于现有WLAN(IEEE802. 11x系列标准)设备的高精度实时定位解决方案。实验表明,该系统实现的到达时间测量和定位精度等参数优于UWB、CSS无线定位方案。本案可广泛应用于移动互联网、物流管理、矿业勘探、医疗健康等需要精准位置服务(LBS)的行业领域。 For indoor WLAN locating,it is difficult to achieve decimeter or centimeter-level precision questions to IEEE1588v2(PTP)precision network clock synchronization technology and the arrival time difference principle(TDOA).Combined with non-line of sight(NLOS)error mitigation techniques,it was researched and designed a set based on the existing WLAN(IEEE802.11x series of standards)device with high precision real-time locating solutions.Experiments show that the parameters such as arrival time measurement and accuracy achieved by the system are better than UWB and CSS wireless locating schemes.The case can be widely used in mobile Internet,logistics management,mineral exploration,health and other needs of the precise location services(LBS)in other industry sectors.
作者 周俊杰 沈亮杰 ZHOU Jun-jie;SHEN Liang-jie(Department of Information Science and Technology,Wenhua University,Wuhan 430074,China)
出处 《信息技术》 2019年第2期33-38,共6页 Information Technology
基金 2017年度CERNET下一代互联网技术创新项目(NGII201707085) 2018年度文华学院校科研基金项目(2018Y04)
关键词 高精度定位 PTP(Precision Time Protocol) 到达时差原理 WLAN 非视距测距误差 High-precision locating PTP(Precision Time Protocol) Time Difference of Arrival principle WLAN Non-line-ranging error
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