
基于SCR的便携式汽车尾气后处理系统检测诊断箱开发 被引量:1

Development of Portable Test Diagnosis Case for Vehicle Exhaust Post Treat Based on SCR
摘要 通过市场需求分析,独立的柴油车后处理故障诊断系统并不多见,且价格昂贵,在中小型汽修企业的日常检修中使用率不高。从机械、电气、程序三方面进行设计,开发了基于SCR技术的便携式汽车尾气后处理故障检测诊断箱,并通过技术优势和经济社会效益分析,结果表明:便携式汽车尾气SCR故障诊断箱故障定位精准、安全等级高、用户体验快捷,具有巨大市场潜力。 Through the market investigated the independent diesel reprocessing fault diagnosis system is rare and expensive,and its usage rate is not high during daily maintenance in medium and sized enterprises.The design scheme was put forward from machinery,electricity and program,and portable test diagnosis case was developed for vehicle exhaust post treat based on SCR The results of analyzing technical advantages and economic and social benefits showed that the test diagnosis case for SCR has accurate fault location,high safety level,fast user experience and a large market potential with a promising future.
作者 夏国梁 叶燕仙 XIA Guo-liang;YE Yan-xian(Zhejiang Agricultral Bussiness College,Shaoxing 312088,China)
出处 《内燃机与配件》 2019年第3期28-31,共4页 Internal Combustion Engine & Parts
基金 大学生科技创新项目(新苗人才计划):便携式柴油车SCR系统尿素泵/NOX传感器检测诊断装置研制
关键词 SCR系统 检测诊断箱 优势分析 效益分析 SCR system test diagnosis case advantage analysis benefit analysis
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