
基于SSR标记的山西野生大豆种质资源遗传多样性分析 被引量:10

Genetic Diversity Analysis of Wild Soybean (Glycine soja) in Shanxi Province Based on SSR Analysis
摘要 分析山西野生大豆资源的遗传多样性和遗传结构有助于了解山西野生大豆起源与进化,为野生大豆优异种质挖掘及资源高效利用等提供理论基础。本研究采用52对SSR分子标记对来自于山西省9个地区32个县市的70份野生大豆资源进行了遗传多样性分析。结果表明:共扩增出450个等位基因,平均每对引物扩增出8.7个等位基因,变幅为3~19。等位基因频率为0.185 7~0.885 7,平均0.421 0;基因遗传多样性指数为0.210 2~0.871 8,平均0.710 0;多态性信息含量为0.201 9~0.858 4,平均0.679 7。将所有供试材料按地理来源分类,并进行遗传多样性分析。结果表明,中部野生大豆资源的平均等位基因数、平均基因多样性指数和平均多态信息含量最高,北部次之,南部最低。而各组的平均主要等位基因频率结果与之相反。基于遗传结构和基于遗传距离的聚类分析都可将试验材料分为3个类群,两种分类结果基本相同。第一类群主要包括山西中部部分资源,第二类群主要包括山西中部部分资源和山西北部资源,第三类群主要包括山西南部资源。聚类结果与地理来源较为一致。山西野生大豆资源遗传多样性较高。中部野生大豆资源的遗传多样性最高,北部资源次之,南部资源最低。推测山西中部和北部曾经发生过种质交流,导致中部资源遗传多样性最高,该区域可能为山西野生大豆的遗传多样性中心。 Understanding of the genetic diversity of wild soybean resources from Shanxi province is a basis research on its origin and evolution, it will provide a theoretical basis for the exploitation of excellent germplasm and the efficient utilization of wild soybean resources. In this study, genetic diversity of wild soybean resources from 32 counties belong to 9 regions in Shanxi province was analyzed using 52 simple sequence repeat(SSR) markers. A total of 450 alleles were detected with 8.7 alleles per locus ranging from 3 to 19. The major allele frequency ranged 0.185 7-0.885 7 with the mean value of 0.421 0. The gene diversity index ranged 0.210 2-0.871 8 with the mean value of 0.710 0. The polymorphism information content ranged 0.201 9-0.858 4 with the mean value of 0.679 7. According to geographical distribution, all materials were divided into three groups-North, Middle and South. Genetic diversity of every group was evaluated. The allele number, the average gene diversity index and the average polymorphism information content of the middle resources were the highest, the north resources followed, the south resources the lowest. The results of average major allele frequency of three groups were contrary to the results of the allele number. Experimental materials were divided into three groups based on genetic structure and genetic distance respectively. Results of two division methods were similarity. GroupⅠwas composed of part of middle resources, groupⅡwas composed of another part of middle resources and northern resources, group Ⅲ was composed of southern resources. It was found that cluster results were approximately consistent with the geographical distribution of the wild soybean. Wild soybean resources in Shanxi province had rich variation. Middle resources had the highest gene diversity, northern resource the next highest and southern resources the lowest. Therefore, it is speculated that introduction and domestication is occurred between the North and the Middle of Shanxi. The middle region is the center of genetic diversity of wild soybean in Shanxi province.
作者 张海平 陈妍 王志 王海岗 周建萍 ZHANG Hai-ping;CHEN Yan;WANG Zhi;WANG Hai-gang;ZHOU Jian-ping(Institute of Crop Germplasm Resources, Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Crop Gene Resources and Germplasm Enhancement on Loess Plateau,Ministry of Agriculture/Shanxi Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Genetic Improvement,Taiyuan 030031,China)
出处 《大豆科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第2期189-197,共9页 Soybean Science
基金 山西省农业科学院博士基金(YBSJJ0908) 农业部作物种质资源保护子项目(2018NWB036-12) "十三五"国家重点研发计划(2016YFD0100201) 山西省省攻关项目(201703D221004-2)
关键词 山西 野生大豆 遗传多样性 遗传结构 聚类分析 Shanxi Wild soybean Gene diversity Genetic structure Cluster analysis
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