
国际体育仲裁院仲裁裁决在中国的承认与执行——基于我国承认与执行CAS裁决第一案的实证考察 被引量:3

A Study on Recognition and Enforcement of CAS Arbitral Award in China: A Pragmatic Approach to China's First Case to Recognize and Enforce CAS Award
摘要 大连市中级人民法院(2017)辽02民初583号民事裁定,标志着CAS裁决在我国的承认与执行拉开了序幕。该民事裁定明确了CAS裁决为瑞士籍商事仲裁裁决,可依托《承认及执行外国仲裁裁决公约》(简称《纽约公约》)予以承认和执行;CAS仲裁条款的效力,应根据我国仲裁条款法律适用的独立性和分割制方面仍存瑕疵。CAS仲裁条款作为其裁决有效作出的决定性依据,我国司法机关应将其区分为形式要件、能力要件和实质要件,分别根据《纽约公约》和我国单独的法律选择规则,或主动依职权、或被动应当事人申请进行审查。司法机关在本案中的司法审查实践,也为我国相关体育法律关系主体在仲裁机构选择、仲裁地的确定、仲裁条款法律选择的拟定等方面逆向提供了积极的行为指引。 The Dalian Intermediate People’s Court’s civil order,(2017)Liao 02 Minchu No. 583,marks the threshold of the recognition and enforcement of the CAS arbitral award in China. The order clarifies that the CAS arbitral award is a Swiss commercial arbitral award,which should be recognized and enforced under New York Convention,and the validity of the CAS arbitration clause should be confirmed according to law-choice rules of China. However,this order still remains flaws in the independence and depecage system of the law applications to CAS arbitration clause. China judicial authorities will,by ex officio or on parties’ application,divide CAS arbitration clause into parties’ ability,formal and substantive elements,and govern them respectively by the New York Convention and China’s choice-of-law rules. The People’s Court’s judicial review practice in this case also proactively provides parties to sport cases with positive guidelines concerning the choice of arbitration institution,the location of seat of arbitration,as well as the law choosing for arbitration clause.
作者 张春良 ZHANG Chunliang(School of International Law,Southwest University of Political Science and Law,Chongqing 401120,China)
出处 《天津体育学院学报》 CAS CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期113-119,124,共8页 Journal of Tianjin University of Sport
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(项目编号:18BTY069)
关键词 仲裁裁决 承认与执行 《纽约公约》 仲裁条款 CAS arbitral award recognition and enforcement New York Convention arbitration clause CAS
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